Compond Interest Calculator
A quick and easy way to calculate how much a lump sum of money and regular monthly payments may be worth in the future given an expected rate of return. The figures provided by this calculator are for illustrative purposes only.
Complete the information required and click the ‘Calculate’ button.
Initial lump sum* - (amount - omit commas): £
Regular monthly contribution* - (amount– omit commas): £
Expected rate of return - (e.g. 4.75):
Number of saving years - (e.g. 15):
* You may leave either the lump sum or regular monthly payment empty but not both.
The calculation is based on compound interest, capitalised on an annual basis and does not take into account taxation.
Results are for your general information and use only and are not intended to address your particular requirements. Results should not be relied upon in their entirety and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute, advice. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate results and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of using this calculator. Thresholds, percentage rates and tax legislation may change in subsequent finance acts. Levels and bases of and reliefs from taxation are subject to change and their value depends on the individual circumstances of the investor. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested.
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